Opiates and Substance Abuse

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America, and Vermont, long ago lost the War on Drugs.  Relying on draconian criminalization is failed policy.  Instead, when treating substance use disorders, we must move from punishment to rehabilitation as a first response.  That means making effective treatment programs available on demand to every Vermonter struggling with opioid, alcohol, or another drug dependency.  We must also redouble our efforts at drug use prevention, and reserve stringent criminal treatment for heartless, large-scale suppliers.

Vermonters know first-hand how tragic this epidemic can be.  2021 set a grim new record of 210 Vermonters who died of opioid overdoses.  It is tearing at our families and challenging our communities.  In the Senate, I will continue to be focused on how we can provide access to care and harm reduction to every individual struggling with substance abuse disorder, as well as prevention to those at a critical age.  We must treat this issue as the public health crisis that is, not just a criminal offense.