2020 Census Data and Senate Districts

February 6, 2022

Every 10 years, the results of the national Census require each state to review the impact of any population change on their electoral districts. Our Vermont Constitution requires that our state’s population must be fairly distributed to afford “equality of representation”. COVID delayed the national Census returns and, as a result, the re-districting process has been condensed.

Each state manages its own work. Vermont’s process begins with the Legislative Apportionment Committee (LAB). It is a non-legislative group, with a chair appointed by the Supreme Court Chief Justice and a committee of seven, which is politically balanced. It is charged with taking the first stab at this work.

The LAB met this summer and fall and it produced two reports – a majority and minority report for both the House and the Senate to consider. In the House, the Government Operations Committee, after feedback from the Boards of Civil Authority, reviews the LAB proposals and after much work, proposes a new re-districting map to the House for approval.

In the Senate, the LAB report comes straight to the Senate Reapportionment Committee, a group of seven, balanced by party and region. You can find all the LAB reports and maps on either the Secretary of State’s website or on the Legislative website on each Committee webpage. I have been appointed to the Senate Reapportionment Committee (SRAC) which has been trusted with the task of incorporating the 2020 Census data into our Senate Districts so that they equitably reflect the changes in population.

While the population in Vermont grew from 625,741 in 2010 to 643,077 in 2020, most of that growth was in the NW of the state, in Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle Counties. The increase in Vermont’s population requires that each House member represent about 4,300 and each Senator about 21,500. The four southern counties (Bennington, Rutland, Windham and Windsor) lost some population, but the most significant loss has been in the North East Kingdom.

The SRAC has made a few decisions already. We have chosen to not accept the LAB’s majority report which created one-person Senatorial districts. With the support of our constitution and historic precedent, we have decided to adhere to the following standards. We agree that Senate districts be based on:

  1. County boundaries

  2. Substantial equality (minimal percentage deviations)

  3. The avoidance of splitting towns and counties

  4. Respecting community connections, common interests and geography

  5. Creating reasonably shaped districts (compact and contiguous territories)

We have a small window of time in which to finish our work – as candidates need to know what a district looks like before they know if they are eligible to run for it. With a primary date of Tuesday, August 9th, and candidate consent forms and petitions due May 26th, we need to have finished our work by April 1st. This is important work that impacts the composition of the House and the Senate and how Vermonters are represented in their state legislature.

I appreciate hearing from you. I can be reached by email: aclarkson@leg.state.vt.us or by phone at 457-4627. To watch Legislative Committee’s in action, and to get more information on the Vermont Legislature, the bills which are being debated now, and those which have been proposed and passed, visit the legislative website: legislature.vermont.gov